sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2013

Good News Bad News

1.- Luis has been doing really well on the new charge that he got. He's already the employee with more sales this month.

2.-The expansion plans has been canceled because of an issue with regulations on the country elected.

3.- The new office material is delayed and thas has cause a lot of problems at the office and to the budget.

4.- We came third on the "Best companies of the country" list in the FACE magazine.

5.- All of our publicist were certificade on the ATLG programm with very good results.

jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

The Flying Duck

- At first we think you could cut costs by laying off some of the staff, and hiring another employes with a shorter salary.
- I think the best way you have to expand is the development of a food home-service delivering that can increase your market.
-In this way all the investment would go to motorcycles that are actually cheaper an paying another local's rent.
- You can get to a lot of different clients on a different areas with the right marketing strategy.


This was an exercise in which we had to give recommendations for an expansion of a restaurant, and I found it a little difficult. But still we got to do it in teams and that was more easy for me. I learned more vocabulary and ways to give recommendations on a polite way.


I'd like to talk about one of our best employes, Luis Ronces. Luis studies at Manchester university and graduated in 1996, then he did a masters at Leeds University at the top of his class. He joined ALT international as marketing assistant and then moved to a different location after being promoted to a marketing manage charge in 2001 and finally left the company in 2004. Now he's a member of our company Penta Productions where he spent his first years at early 2004.

sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2013



Date: 8th Oct. 
Venue: Mezzanine Campus Cuernavaca 
Participants: Benjamin Gutierrez, Luis Dominguez, Luis Ronces 

POINT                                            DISCUSSION                          ACTION 

1.- Schedule Presentation          We were not able to work at the              BG
                                                 same time, so we agreed to work           10th Oct
                                                 online, using Skype. 

2.- Distribue the work               The work was distribued acording to            LD 
     for everyone                        the skills of every member and the               12th Oct 
                                                agreement of it. 

3.- Establish a deadline             Because of the deadline everyone started        LR 
                                                to feel pressured so we decided to arrange     15th Oct 
                                                two deadlines.                                                17th Oct. 

4.- Reharsal Schedule              Everyone agreed to reharsal the presen-          BG LD LR 
                                               tation and the practice would be set up             20th Oct 
                                               a week after the deadlines       


Meeting Agenda: Planning a proyect with a studie group.

Date: 8th Oct.      Time: 12:00 pm        Location: Mezzanine Campus Cuernavaca

Participants: Benjamin Gutierrez, Luis Dominguez, Luis Ronces.

Chairperson: Luis Ronces

- Presentation of the participants
- Schedule presentation
- Explaning the project
- Distribue the work for everyone
- Establish a deadline for the project
- Rehearsal Schedule


"This Figure is made by two different figures, at the bottom is has a "plate" with 1.2 m long, 50 mm tall and 300 mm wide, above this we can see a round figure with a hight of 400 mm, and a diameter of 200 mm. The total weight of the form, including both, the plate and the tube, is 146 kg, having the tube right in the middle"

Safety Procedures


From: Diego Nuñez Corrales, Coca-cola CEO 
To: The Technician Staff 
RE: Schedule Organization 

With a reference to the diverse activities to be held this week, Im pleased to inform you the schedule of the whole week activity list for our technicians to do. Here are the tasks: 

- Health inspection - 7:00 am to 9:00 am 
- Security Inpsection - 9:00 am to 11:00 am
- Cheking the Machines - 11:00 am to 2:00 pm 

The regular production activities will be renewed at 2:30 pm and will be finished on the regular schedule. 
I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter. 