sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2013

Good News Bad News

1.- Luis has been doing really well on the new charge that he got. He's already the employee with more sales this month.

2.-The expansion plans has been canceled because of an issue with regulations on the country elected.

3.- The new office material is delayed and thas has cause a lot of problems at the office and to the budget.

4.- We came third on the "Best companies of the country" list in the FACE magazine.

5.- All of our publicist were certificade on the ATLG programm with very good results.

jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

The Flying Duck

- At first we think you could cut costs by laying off some of the staff, and hiring another employes with a shorter salary.
- I think the best way you have to expand is the development of a food home-service delivering that can increase your market.
-In this way all the investment would go to motorcycles that are actually cheaper an paying another local's rent.
- You can get to a lot of different clients on a different areas with the right marketing strategy.


This was an exercise in which we had to give recommendations for an expansion of a restaurant, and I found it a little difficult. But still we got to do it in teams and that was more easy for me. I learned more vocabulary and ways to give recommendations on a polite way.


I'd like to talk about one of our best employes, Luis Ronces. Luis studies at Manchester university and graduated in 1996, then he did a masters at Leeds University at the top of his class. He joined ALT international as marketing assistant and then moved to a different location after being promoted to a marketing manage charge in 2001 and finally left the company in 2004. Now he's a member of our company Penta Productions where he spent his first years at early 2004.